ECU Datalogging Explained: Understanding MG/STK, Boost AV vs Boost SP & More

ECU datalogging is a crucial process normally done when performance tuning or diagnosing vehicle issues. It involves recording and storing various engine parameters and performance metrics during a vehicle's operation.
During ECU datalogging, data is collected by sensors and actuators that continuously monitor and control the engine's operations.
The importance of data log variables lies in their ability to provide valuable insights into the engine's behavior, performance, and overall health.
Below is a list of available variables that are recorded when capturing a datalog using IE POWERlink Mobile and the Integrated Engineering app, along with information about what each one means. You’ll also notice several terms in parentheses, like (mg/stroke), (mg/hub), and (mg/stk).
When you read these, you might wonder “What does mg/stroke mean?” or “What does mg/hub mean?” Simply put, the characters or terms in parentheses denote units of measurement.
NOTE: Not all variables are available for all platforms and will vary by ECU and vehicle platform.
Variables Recorded During ECU Datalogging (With Definitions)
Accelerator AV (%): The Accelerator Pedal Position, expressed as a percentage. It represents how much the accelerator pedal is depressed, indicating the driver's demand for engine power.
Air Mass (mg/stk): The Mass Air Flow, measured in milligrams per stroke. It quantifies the amount of air entering the engine per combustion stroke.
Boost AV (mBar): Boost Pressure Actual Value in the Intake Manifold, expressed in millibar. Indicating the actual boost pressure measured in the intake manifold.
Boost AV - CP (mBar): Boost Pressure Actual Value in the Charge Pipe, expressed in millibar. Indicating the actual boost pressure measured in the charge pipe.
Boost AV - IM (mBar): Boost Pressure Actual Value in the Intake Manifold, expressed in millibar. Indicating the actual boost pressure measured in the intake manifold.
Boost SP (mBar): Boost Pressure Setpoint, expressed in millibar. Representing the desired boost pressure in the intake manifold.
Boost SP - CP (mBar): Boost Pressure Setpoint in the Charge Pipe, expressed in millibar. Representing the desired boost pressure in the charge pipe.
Boost SP - IM (mBar): Boost Pressure Setpoint in the Intake Manifold, expressed in millibar. Representing the desired boost pressure in the intake manifold.
Bypass Valve (°): Bypass Valve Position actual value, expressed in degrees. It represents the actual opening of the bypass valve.
Coolant Temp (°C): Engine Coolant Temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius. It represents the temperature of the engine coolant.
DI (ms): Direct Injection Pulse Width, expressed in milliseconds. Represents the duration of time the fuel injector is open during direct injection.
DI PLS_1 (ms): Direct Injection Pulse Width for Mode 1, expressed in milliseconds. Represents the duration of time the fuel injector is open during direct injection.
DI PLS_1 (ms): Direct Injection Pulse Width for Mode 2, expressed in milliseconds. Represents the duration of time the fuel injector is open during direct injection.
DI PLS_1 (ms): Direct Injection Pulse Width for Mode 3, expressed in milliseconds. Represents the duration of time the fuel injector is open during direct injection.
Engine Speed (RPM): The rotational speed of the engine, measured in revolutions per minute. It indicates how fast the engine's crankshaft is rotating.
Ethanol (%): Ethanol Content, expressed as a percentage. It represents the actual percentage of ethanol in the fuel, measured where the ethanol sensor is located. Vehicles equipped with IE TrueFlex only.
HPFP AV (Bar): High-Pressure Fuel Pump Actual Value, expressed in bar. Indicates the actual fuel pressure in the high-pressure fuel system.
HPFP Dif (%): Differential HPFP, expressed as a percentage. The difference between the HPFP setpoint and HPFP actual value.
HPFP Duty (%): High-Pressure Fuel Pump Duty Cycle, expressed as a percentage. It shows the duty cycle of the high-pressure fuel pump to maintain fuel pressure.
HPFP SP (Bar): High-Pressure Fuel Pump Setpoint, expressed in bar. Indicates the desired fuel pressure in the high-pressure fuel system.
Ign Advance (°): Ignition Advance. The number of degrees by which the ignition timing is advanced from its baseline value.
Ign Cor 1-8 (°): Ignition Timing Corrections for Cylinders 1 to 8, expressed in degrees. Shows adjustments to the ignition timing to optimize engine performance.
Int Air Temp (°C): Intake Air Temperature, measured in degrees Celsius. It indicates the temperature of the air measured in the engine’s intake manifold.
Lambda AV: Lambda Actual Value, indicating the actual air-fuel ratio reference number.
Lambda B1 AV: Lambda Actual Value for Bank 1. The actual air-fuel ratio reference for bank 1 of the engine.
Lambda B1 AV: Lambda Actual Value for Bank 2. The actual air-fuel ratio reference for bank 1 of the engine, only used on vehicles with multiple engine banks.
Lambda SP: Lambda setpoint, a reference value for the air-fuel mixture's stoichiometry, i.e., the chemically balanced air-to-fuel ratio.
Load AV (%): The engine Load Actual Value, expressed as a percentage. It represents the actual amount of work the engine is performing relative to its naturally aspirated maximum capacity. The value will return over 100% for forced induction systems.
Load SP (%): The engine Load Setpoint, expressed as a percentage. It represents the requested amount of work the engine is performing relative to its naturally aspirated maximum capacity. The value will return over 100% for forced induction systems.
LPFP Duty (%): Low-Pressure Fuel Pump Duty Cycle, expressed as a percentage. Represents the duty cycle of the low-pressure fuel pump.
LPFP SP (Bar): Low-Pressure Fuel Pump Setpoint, expressed in bar. Indicates the desired fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel system.
LTFT (%): Long-Term Fuel Trim, expressed as a percentage. It represents long-term adjustments made to the fuel injection system to maintain the correct air-fuel ratio. Positive values indicate the system is adding fuel, while negative values indicate the system is reducing fuel.
LTFT B1 (%): Long-Term Fuel Trim for Bank 1
LTFT B2 (%): Long-Term Fuel Trim for Bank 2
MPI (ms): Multi-Port Injection, expressed in milliseconds. Represents the time duration the multi-port fuel injectors are open during direct injection. Unused variable unless the vehicle is equipped with MPI.
N75 Duty (%): N75 Duty Cycle, expressed as a percentage. It shows the duty cycle of the N75 Valve, which regulates the boost.
STFT (%): Short-Term Fuel Trim, expressed as a percentage. It represents short-term adjustments made to the fuel injection system to maintain the correct air-fuel ratio. Positive values indicate the system is adding fuel, while negative values indicate the system is reducing fuel.
STFT B1 (%): Short-Term Fuel Trim for Bank 1
STFT B2 (%): Short-Term Fuel Trim for Bank 2
Time (ms): The timestamp or time in milliseconds when the data was recorded.
Throttle AV (%): The Throttle Valve Position Actual Value, expressed as a percentage. It represents the actual opening of the throttle valve, controlling the airflow into the engine.
Throttle SP (%): The Throttle Valve Position Setpoint, expressed as a percentage. It represents the requested opening of the throttle valve, controlling the airflow into the engine.
Torque (Nm): Modeled engine torque, calculated value used to inform various drivetrain control units of how much expected torque is being generated, expressed in Newton meters. Not an actual torque measurement.
Vehicle Speed (mph): Vehicle Speed, expressed in miles per hour. It shows the speed of the vehicle.
Wastegate AV (%): Wastegate Actual Value, expressed as a percentage. Represents the actual opening of the wastegate valve to regulate turbocharger boost pressure.
Wastegate SP (%): Wastegate Setpoint, expressed as a percentage. Represents the desired opening of the wastegate valve to regulate turbocharger boost pressure.
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